How We Conduct Our Online Credit Workshop 



You refer to this training as a workshop, yet the seminars are online?


Please don’t confuse this training with a webinar

  • Attendees receive in advance of the seminar a binder with approximately 125 pages of handouts plus a few other pages are provided during the training. 
  • Attendees work various exercises and actively participate in the discussions.  They must have their video and audio on during the training. Like attending in-person training, we must see and hear each other.
  • We limit attendance and thus provide a small group training environment.  Commercial Financial Analysis is not a webinar!

In the training, the instructor works with 2 cameras.  One directly on the instructor and the other on a flip chart that’s used for extemporaneous discussions.  The instructor will also share PowerPoint presentations where appropriate. 


How is Commercial Financial Analysis different from other training programs?


The topics we cover were chosen by Chief Credit Officers from across the country as the most important areas for training.  For 20 years, we have devoted our full attention to developing a program that fits the expectations of Chief Credit Officers.  It is no surprise that attendees and their managers routinely report to us how superior our training is to other programs.


Your organization is new to my bank, how can we verify the quality of your training before attending?

Simple.  Contact us and we will gladly provide references from other financial institutions. 

Better yet for banks new to our training, we won’t invoice your bank until after the training.  And then only if you are satisfied with the training.  We stand behind the quality of our seminars. 


I am a new credit analyst with little experience. Will the Commercial Financial Analysis series be too much for me?

For 20 years we have made it our business to prepare credit analysts & lenders for their jobs.  Our goal is to make this training a rewarding experience for all attendees regardless of their previous level of experience.  Hundreds of inexperienced attendees have made a quantum increase in their credit skills by attending our training.   


I am a lender with some experience but need to sharpen my credit skills.  How can this training help me?

You will improve your technical skills in working with cash flow and ratios.  You should also gain a much better understanding of how a Chief Credit Officer and/or loan committee looks at credit risk.  You will be exposed to topics such as proper loan structuring, guarantor analysis, how examiners grade loans, signs of a financially distressed borrower, collateral evaluation, and many other very important commercial lending topics.



Commercial Financial Analysis


August Seminars

CFA 2422  8/20-22 Closed

CFA 2423  8/27 - 8/29


CFA Training Fee

$675 per Attendee


 Sept - Oct Seminars

CFA 2424  9/17 - 9/19

CFA 2425  10/1 - 10/3

CFA 2426  10/15 - 17

CFA 2427  10/29 - 31 

Writing Credit



WCP 2405  9/3 

WCP 2406  9/5 


$275 per Attendee

C & I 

Working Capital Financing


WCF 2402   

Date to be announced

$275 per Attendee



On-Site Training 


CRE Lending 
